Thursday, December 22, 2005

Thank you, Anonymous

We have a multi-lite door! I had two responses to my Craiglist want ad, but neither of those panned out. (Do contact me if you are in the Cincinnati area and area looking for an ornate, large front door for an older home.) I finally took anonymous’ suggestion and visited Building Value. There, I found my door and much, much more.

Building Value is chock full of vintage doors, windows, sinks, tubs, cabinets, and light fixtures. You can also find tile, carpet, paint, trim, and hardwood flooring. The prices are very reasonable. This isn’t an antique shop. It’s simply a non-profit reuse center with an aim of providing work experience for disadvantaged people. Although winter is the slow season for donations (in the summer they receive new stock every week), I quickly found a suitable door (only $30!) and then spent the remainder of the time dreamily browsing. I seemed to find project inspiration in every aisle. I can’t wait to go back this weekend. So many projects, so little time…


Blogger Gary said...

It's great that you found the door. However the fun begins when you have to sand it, plane the edges and then re-notch the frame so that the hinges fit properly, oh, then there is getting the locks to line up and cutting new holes for that....

I'm just giving you the heads up before you start cursing!

Better go buy a can of Bondo just in case!

7:53 AM  
Blogger HomeImprovementNinja said...

I am a fan of craigslist. I got my flooring nailer, dining room table and my car from it. The only problem with craigslist is that there are 2 kinds of people selling things on there.
1) people selling stuff at a reasonable price; and
2) crazy people who want to sell you their used stuff for 10% less than they bought it for 10 years ago, and expect you to come pic it up.

8:03 AM  
Blogger andrea said...

Building Value sounds like such a great idea! I wish we had one in Vancouver.

1:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That looks cool..Why don't you just move back here and fix up our house full time?

2:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hee-hee. I'm anonymous! I guess I was in a hurry that day. Glad to help.

I live on Cincinnati's west side, am also fixing up a house and actually haven't been to Building Value yet(!). Now I'm DEFINITELY going.

I've "seen" you on Garden Web too. I'm mrsgeekboy there. :)

7:09 PM  
Blogger Kasmira said...

Amy - I'm glad to know who anonymous is. :) Thanks again!

6:18 AM  

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